Timeless Nalanda: Where Wisdom Transcends Destruction

In the heart of ancient India, Nalanda University stood as a beacon of wisdom. Its red-brick walls cradled knowledge—nine million books, inscribed with ink and dreams. Gupta emperors, despite their Hindu roots, embraced Buddhism and nurtured this intellectual oasis. Ayurveda flowed alongside sutras, and the scent of incense mingled with the rustle of palm leaves. … Continue reading Timeless Nalanda: Where Wisdom Transcends Destruction


On my last birthday, I received a special gift from my friend, who sent me an “Essential Collection” of 7 books from “Tinkle Comics” featuring Tantri the Mantri. For most of us, and especially the 90s kids Tinkle Comics are a very special part of our childhood Nostalgia, and especially the train journeys. As I … Continue reading READING COMICS CAN IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS


As I grow up, the simple yet timeless quote "work is worship", realizes beyond just a saying.When this sinks in, each task is a form of worship. You give the best efforts and there's no room for half-measures or regrets. When this sinks in, your efforts and work lead to a sense of fulfillment and … Continue reading BEYOND A SAYING: WORK IS WORSHIP


Dear Achacha, This is an important and much-awaited week for us, isn't it? For the world, this might be a context of political, historical, or socio-religious relevance. For us and many like us, it is also an emotional one. It is the week of Prana Prathishta at the Ram Mandir of Ayodhya. "Sri Raman" "the mighty … Continue reading CELEBRATING AYODHYA: A LETTER TO MY GRANDFATHER


Certain resume traits can unintentionally increase the risk of your application being overlooked or discarded. Here are five high-risk resume traits to avoid: Buried Contact Information in Header/FooterYour contact details are vital for potential employers to reach out to you. Placing this crucial information within the header/footer or using small fonts might lead to oversight. … Continue reading 5 TRAITS OF A HIGH-RISK RESUME

Finding comfort in the writings of Sudha Murty 📖

Each night this book wraps me in its warm embrace, just like Nooni in her ancestral home on the wedding eve. 🏡🌴 The book is as comforting as Nooni’s Ajji’s (grandmother) stories about full-moon and king Somanayaka. As I delve into its pages, I feel like I’m drifting into the coziness of Nooni’s Ajja’s (grandfather) … Continue reading Finding comfort in the writings of Sudha Murty 📖

Navigating the Hiring Maze: The Top 3 Red Flags on Resumes/CVs and How to Avoid Them

In the competitive landscape of job hunting, your resume or CV serves as your first impression on potential employers. However, certain red flags can significantly diminish your chances of making it to the interview stage. Let’s delve into the top 3 red flags and explore the impact they have on your job prospects, supported by … Continue reading Navigating the Hiring Maze: The Top 3 Red Flags on Resumes/CVs and How to Avoid Them

Crafting an ATS-Friendly Resume: 6 Essential Tips for Job Seekers

An ATS-friendly resume is a strategically crafted document designed to navigate the automated screening process used by employers to manage and streamline job applications. To optimize your resume for ATS, focus on simplicity in formatting, avoid placing contact details in headers or footers, incorporate relevant keywords from the job description, use a straightforward linear structure … Continue reading Crafting an ATS-Friendly Resume: 6 Essential Tips for Job Seekers

Sources to refer to before your job interview — Part 2

https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzZhjfmyoec/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== SOURCE 6: SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLES OF A COMPANY A company’s social media profiles can be a valuable resource to help you prepare for a job interview and increase your chances of success in the following ways: Understanding Company Culture: Social media platforms often provide insights into a company’s culture, values, and work environment. By … Continue reading Sources to refer to before your job interview — Part 2

Sources to refer to before your job interview — Part 1

https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzZhjfmyoec/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== SOURCE 1: THE GOOGLE NEWS SECTION By searching the company name in the news section of Google, you can find the latest updates like mergers, acquisitions, new projects, etc. Why is this important? Well, it allows you to answer questions like ‘What do you know about the company?’. It also shows how extensively you’ve … Continue reading Sources to refer to before your job interview — Part 1